Real-Time Evaluation of Protection Support Services in the Ukraine Response
Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP)
AHP has commissioned CMC to conduct a Real Time Evaluation (RTE) with the primary purpose of providing learning from the MHPSS response and to identify improvements for the AHP program. The RTE will cover AHP’s response running from March 2022 – March 2023 and will be conducted as a rolling learning initiative over 6 months, in two 3-month phases, including light-touch field-based work.

Project Details

As a response to the growing needs, and as part of Australia’s broader humanitarian response to the Ukraine conflict, AUD 10 million worth of assistance is being delivered through the AHP, with the response being led by the two AHP partners, The World Vision and Plan International Consortium.

AHP has commissioned CMC to conduct a Real Time Evaluation (RTE) with the primary purpose of providing learning from the MHPSS response and to identify improvements for the AHP program. The RTE will cover AHP’s response running from March 2022 – March 2023 and will be conducted as a rolling learning initiative over 6 months, in two 3-month phases, including light-touch field-based work.

Currently CMC is conducting fieldwork inside Ukraine and in Romania, with project beneficiaries, national and partner stakeholders. Subsequently CMC will conduct organizational learning workshops with AHP and based on inputs and light touch follow-up data collection, synthesise the findings and learnings into a final report.

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