Global evaluation of German FFO-funded peace-building, dialogue and mediation interventions
German Federal Foreign Office
In its stabilisation approach, the Federal Foreign Office (FFO) puts an emphasis on countering and preventing violent extremism in the penal system. The evaluation focused on 11 projects in the area of preventing and addressing radicalisation and violence in prisons, implemented between 2017 and 2022 in different country contexts. The objective of the evaluation was to conduct an independent and comprehensive analysis and assessment of the Federal Foreign Office’s project engagement in the area of preventing and addressing violence and radicalisation in the prison system in order to glean findings for project conception and management, including coordination with other ministries and international actors, and to enable them to be used to further develop the project portfolio.

Project Details

In its stabilisation approach, the Federal Foreign Office (FFO) puts an emphasis on countering and preventing violent extremism in the penal system. The evaluation focused on 11 projects in the area of preventing and addressing radicalisation and violence in prisons, implemented between 2017 and 2022 in different country contexts. The objective of the evaluation was to conduct an independent and comprehensive analysis and assessment of the Federal Foreign Office’s project engagement in the area of preventing and addressing violence and radicalisation in the prison system in order to glean findings for project conception and management, including coordination with other ministries and international actors, and to enable them to be used to further develop the project portfolio.

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