Next Generation Research - Sudan
The British Council
CMC partnered with the British Council on the "Next Generation Sudan" research project as lead for undertaking the research, focusing on the perspectives and aspirations of young people in Sudan. This research is part of the British Council’s ongoing Next Generation series, which aims to amplify youth voices and inform policy that truly reflects the needs and hopes of young individuals.

Project Details

CMC led the research project on youth in Sudan for the British Council as part of the Next Generation series. The project focused on exploring the perspectives and aspirations of young people in Sudan with regards to education, employment, lifestyle, international engagement, values and beliefs, and their hopes and fears for their country's future. The research was conducted through national survey covering country-wide, FGDs, KIIs etc. and provided valuable insights into the experiences and perspectives of young people in Sudan. The outcome of the project is expected to inform policymaking and program development that is more responsive to the needs of young people in Sudan and contribute to the British Council's commitment to exploring youth voice and choice.

CMC provided a team composed of seven highly qualified experts in conducting research in Sudan and similar contexts. Three from CMCs core experts and four from CMCs Sudanese partner Sewar. The type and scope of services provided included:

  • Amendment of Research Design based in the Next Generation generative questionnaire and methodology
  • Planning of data collection including a n=1800 country-wide youth survey, FGDs and youth workshops.  
  • A knowledge brief based on desk research and literature review related to the research topic, to provide context and identify gaps in existing knowledge.
  • Data interpretation and report writing. The CMC team prepared a comprehensive report called Next Generation Sudan.
  • Presentation and dissemination of results: The CMC team presented the results of the research in various formats to help the British Council disseminate the findings to a wider audience.

Services Rendered

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