Super Resolution for Climate Crisis Context (SR4C3)
The “Super Resolution for Climate Crisis Context – SR4C3” aims at bringing innovation to the climate crisis sector by enhancing the remote sensing based technological tools through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms on security domain challenges. The integration of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data in the usage of new Super Resolution (SR) AI-based applications is particularly crucial for better information gathering and assessments in conflict or crisis affected areas otherwise largely inaccessible, to effectively contribute to global stability and peace. In particular, the combination of AI-based SR tool with Copernicus satellite data can support crisis response to disaster and conflict monitoring in many ways in fragile geographic areas.

Project Details

The “Super Resolution for Climate Crisis Context – SR4C3” aims at bringing innovation to the climate crisis sector by enhancing the remote sensing based technological tools through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms on security domain challenges. The integration of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data in the usage of new Super Resolution (SR) AI-based applications is particularly crucial for better information gathering and assessments in conflict or crisis affected areas otherwise largely inaccessible, to effectively contribute to global stability and peace. In particular, the combination of AI-based SR tool with Copernicus satellite data can support crisis response to disaster and conflict monitoring in many ways in fragile geographic areas.

CMC together with SISTEMA, will present two use-cases for integrating EO data enhanced by the SR app, one in the context of food security programs in north and central Mali and one in the context of ongoing war in the Eastern Ukraine.

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